If you start studying at a university, you will be registered and will receive a student ID card. Usually, all that does is to confirm that you are a student. The ISIC Association has developed specific solutions for educational institutions, in order to increase security on the grounds of schools or universities, and also to expand the possibilities for the use of ID cards for students, teachers and employees.
This innovation has been taken up and further developed by the JERRA engineers. This allows students who are biometrically identified by a finger scan to have comfortable access to buildings and lecture halls. In this way, a safe learning environment is created which is individually tailored to the specific requirements of students, schools and universities. With JERRA UNIVERSE you can log in to the computer or the Internet, make cashless payments and carry out many other activities. Our system will make many things much easier in the future. The protection of the identity of students, teachers and employees, through modern verification and biometric solutions, is guaranteed to the highest degree, because the secure encryption of sensitive data is of paramount importance to JERRA – certainly not least to minimize damage caused by cyber criminality.